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Diocese of Sourozh  Annual Conference – May 31st to June 2nd, 2024
“Being the Church Today: Tradition and Mission”

Friday 31st May                  

  5.00 pm       Arrival & Registration

  7.00 pm       Supper

  8.00pm        Opening of the Conference by Father Maxim Nikolsky

Film of talk by Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

– followed by fellowship in the bar

Saturday 1st June             

  7.30 am       Morning prayer (in Butterley 2)

  8.00 am       Breakfast 

  9.00 am       Talk 1: Archpriest Andrew Louth
                       “Tradition in Orthodox Theology” (in English)

10.00 am       Interval

10.10  am      Talk 2: Hieromonk Giovanni (Guaita)

“Fr Alexander Men as a Peacemaker” (in Russian)

11.10 am       Coffee/tea

11.30 am       Talk 3: Igumen Deiniol (Davies)
                       “The Missionary Labours of our Local Saints” (in English)         

12.30 pm       Group photo

  1.00 pm       Lunch, followed by free time – (Choir practice in Chapel)

  3.00pm        Talk 4: Professor Olga V. Chervinska

                        “The Orthodox element in classical Russian literature”  (in Russian)

  4.00 pm       Tea/ coffee

  4.30 pm       Further discussion in small groups with speakers

  6.00 pm       Supper   

  7.00 pm       Vigil (followed by confessions) in the Chapel


Sunday 2nd June    Sunday of the Samaritan Woman. Afterfeast of Mid-Pentecost

N.B. bedrooms to be vacated by 10.00 am (i.e. before coming to Liturgy)!

   7.30 am      Hours (Arrival of hierarchs et al.)

   8.00 am      Divine Liturgy; Lity for M. Anthony, n/d Marianne Greenan, and Fr Raphael?

10.45 am       Tea/coffee, packed breakfast

11.30 am       Short talks by Gerard Joyce, Jonathan Skeet and Juliana Yasenko

                         “Becoming Orthodox Today”

12.15 pm       Address by Metropolitan Nestor of Korsun

                        Address by Bishop Matthew of Sourozh

Father Maxim Nikolsky – Closing remarks

  1.00 pm       Lunch                                                                       

  2.30 pm       Departure

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